Online giving is quick, easy, and secure. Simply click on the donations link above or below this page and you will be guided to our payment processing web page.

You can now give via our new on church premises giving kiosk. When visiting us at our 1159 St James Place, Atlanta location, you can use our kiosk to make your donations using your email account, previously setup online or again you may make a one-time donation.

You can also choose not to create an account and give a one-time donation by selecting the Quick Give feature.

Donations Overview

Kiosk Giving

By creating an account you can track all of your online and kiosk donations in one place. Simply provide your email address and create a password and you can audit your giving at any time.

Online Giving

Simply start by clicking on the Give Now button at our kiosk and you will be directed to our giving categories. You may choose multiple giving categories. If the category you seek is not shown, just choose the "Other" Category and type

in your comments.